Download the TCDL 2019 Sponsorship Packet
Show your support for Texas library leaders by sponsoring the Texas Conference on Digital Libraries.
Levels of Sponsorship
ACCESS LEVEL | $5,000+
Underwriting opportunities for Access Sponsors include:
- Lunch (either May 22 or May 23)
- Cocktail Reception
Access Sponsors receive all Connect Sponsorship benefits plus:
- Option to address attendees (up to 5-minute presentation)
- Registration for 1 additional representative of your organization to the conference (total 4 representatives)
- Public thank you during cocktail reception and in keynote introduction
Underwriting Opportunities for Connect Sponsors include:
- Keynote Speaker, Dr. Siva Vaidhyanathan
- All A/V rentals
Connect Sponsors receive all Capacity Sponsorship benefits plus:
- Registration for 1 additional representative of your organization to the conference (total 3 representatives)
- Inclusion of brochures or other material in attendee bags
- Minimum 3’ of table space (for vendors) in conference exhibition area
Underwriting opportunities for Capacity Sponsors include:
- Beverage service for the entire conference
- All seating and table rental
Capacity Sponsors receive Network Sponsorship benefits plus:
- Registration for 2 representatives of your organization to the conference
- TCDL registration includes all conference sessions, workshops, reception, breakfasts, lunches, and afternoon snacks.
Underwriting opportunities for Network Sponsors include:
- Wi-Fi access
- Parking for attendees
Network Sponsors receive Power Up benefits plus:
- Company logo (large size) on the conference website with link to the company’s website, promotional materials, and on the printed program
- Signage at the event with the company name displayed
- Name/brand exposure in invitations, social media, and press releases.
POWER UP LEVEL | up to $500
Power Up Sponsors receive the following benefits:
- Company logo (large size) on the conference website with link to the company’s website
New this year: TDL is offering special sponsorship opportunities for the Texas Digital Library Leadership Academy!
Underwriting opportunities for the Leadership Academy include:
- Facilitator
- Venue
- Catering
Leadership Academy sponsors receive:
- Recognition at the event
- Company logo (large size) on the conference website with link to the company’s website, promotional materials, and on the printed program
- Inclusion of brochures or other material in attendee bags
- Name/brand exposure in invitations, social media, and press releases
TDL is housed at The University of Texas at Austin. Checks should be made out to UT.
Mail checks to:
Texas Digital Library
Attn: TCDL Sponsorships
101 East 21st Street
Stop S5471
Austin, TX 78712
Please make checks out to The University of Texas at Austin and add TCDL 2019 Sponsorship in the memo line.
Email us at if you have questions or suggestions about sponsorships, or would like to request a sponsorship invoice.