TCDL 2019 Presenter & Session Information

Thank you for participating in the 2019 Texas Conference on Digital Libraries and we look forward to your presentations!

The following guidelines will provide you with important information and instructions to prepare your presentation. This page will be regularly updated, and new information will be provided via email.


  • All speakers planning to attend and present at the conference MUST REGISTER for the conference.
  • TDL member institutions and students receive a discounted rate, and there is an early registration rate available through April 5th.

General Session Information

  • Each session will be allocated a facilitator responsible for introducing the speakers, controlling the timing of the sessions and facilitating questions.
  • You will be contacted by your facilitator prior to the conference.

Full Presentations:

  • Your presentation should be 20-30 minutes long. Leave time for Q&A.
  • Accepted presentations will be organized into thematic sessions or may be combined into joint/collaborative sessions.

Panel Presentations

  • 60 minutes, including time for presenter introductions and Q&A
  • Panel sessions should address a single topic from multiple perspectives.
  • We encourage panelists that represent a range of professional backgrounds and experiences.

24×7 Presentations

  • 7 minutes, and presentation to include no more than 24 slides.
  • Presentations will be grouped into blocks based on conference themes, with each block followed by a moderated discussion / question & answer session involving the audience and whole block of presenters.
  • This forum will provide conference goers with a fast-paced survey of like work across many institutions, and presenters will have the chance to disseminate their work in more depth and context than a traditional poster.

Poster Presentations

  • 1-minute (Minute Madness) with 2 slides to present an overview of your topic; and poster session in the evening.
  • Easels will be available at the conference site, and foam board will be made available to mount printed posters on.
  • During the conference reception, attendees will have an opportunity to view your poster and discuss it with you, so please plan to stay for at least 45 minutes to an hour at the reception.
  • TCDL organizers will be unable to provide power for multimedia displays. Additional details about poster requirements will be provided following acceptance.

Birds-of-a-Feather Sessions/Workshops

  • You should receive information from the conference organizer about time, duration and location of your BOAF’s and workshop sessions. If you have questions please contact Loryn at 512-495-4358 or email

General Poster Information

  • Posters should be 36″ x 48″ in size (either portrait or landscape orientation)
  • Posters may be mounted on foam board, or foam board will be provided along with clips and push pins for mounting at the conference venue. Please bring any additional supplies to secure your poster, as needed.
  • If you need to store your poster during the conference, please bring it to the registration desk located in the Commons Learning Center Atrium.
  • If you choose to print your poster in Austin, the following FedEx is located near the Commons Learning Center and conference hotels and will print large-format posters and mount on foam board:

FedEx Print and Ship Center | (512) 339-1191

9222 Burnet Road, Suite 101, Austin, TX 78758

Minute Madness

  • During the Minute Madness session, presenters for each poster will present a one-minute (60 second) preview talk about the main ideas in their poster. Please don’t exceed one minute! Presenters should use their minute to entice people to come view their poster during the reception – so creativity is encouraged!

Poster Session/Reception

  • The poster session and reception will be held Wednesday, May 22nd in the Commons Learning Center Atrium. Prior to the poster reception, we will hold a Minute Madness session in the Big Tex Auditorium.
  • Easels will be provided to set up your poster beginning Wednesday, May 22nd at 8:00am in the Commons Learning Center Atrium.
  • You may set up your poster at any time before Wednesday, May 22nd at 3:30pm.
  • During the conference reception, attendees will have an opportunity to view your poster and discuss it with you, so please plan to stay for at least 45 minutes to an hour at the reception.
  • Posters may remain up in the Commons Learning Center Atrium through Thursday, May 23rd at 4:00pm.
  • If your poster is not removed by the closing ceremony, conference organizers will dispose of it

Room Configuration & Technology

  • Room configuration for main conference sessions is theatre style. All rooms are equipped with one or more microphones, a projector, and a computer with internet access and functionality for PowerPoint and PDF.
  • Presenters will not be able to use their own computer during the sessions and workshops. A computer with pre-loaded presentation slides will be available and speakers will be in control of transitioning between slides.
  • Session facilitators and audio/visual technicians will be available to assist presenters and manage any technical difficulties.
  • Workshops and sessions requiring hands-on demonstrations or specialized software will require that attendees bring their own laptops. Speakers should contact the conference organizers ( if they would like to send emails to registrants about any additional information or pre-loaded software needed prior to the conference.
  • Wireless access will be available to all attendees throughout the conference.


  • All speakers planning to attend and present at the conference must make their own accommodation arrangements.
  • There are several nearby hotels and discounted rates for TCDL attendees will be available soon.


  • All speakers planning to attend and present at the conference must make their own transportation arrangements.
  • There will be a shuttle that runs from our conference hotel.

Onsite Checklist

  • Presentation back-up copy on a flash drive
  • Speaker notes
  • Badge from the registration desk
  • Make sure you are in the session room 10-15 minutes before your session starts