The International Journal of Structural Changes in Solids is hosted by the TDL Electronic Press.
The International Journal of Structural Changes in Solids is hosted by the TDL Electronic Press.
Looking for a way to enhance the visibility and professionalism of one of its journals, the College English Association (CEA) found a partner in the Texas Digital Library.
The CEA, a nationwide professional organization for teachers of college English, has published The CEA Forum since the 1970s.
Read the latest issue of TDL Update, the newsletter of the Texas Digital Library, to discover the latest news and learn how TDL is working with its members to advance scholarly communication.
The Texas Digital Library (TDL) is excited to welcome the Texas Water Journal, a new research journal affiliated with the Texas Water Resources Institute at Texas A&M University, to the TDL Electronic Press.
The Journal of Virtual Worlds Research, a journal hosted by the TDL Electronic Press, has released its latest issue entitled “The Metaverse Assembled.”
The Journal of Texas Women Writers and the Cormac McCarthy Journal, both created and edited by faculty at Angelo State University and hosted on the TDL Electronic Press, have new issues available online.
The Journal of Digital Information (JoDI), a journal hosted by the TDL Electronic Press, has released a new special issue on Open Repositories 2009.
The Journal of Virtual Worlds Research, an online scholarly journal hosted by the TDL Electronic Press, has released its latest issue entitled “Virtual Economies, Virtual Goods and Service Delivery in Virtual Worlds.”
The Journal of Digital Information (JoDI), a peer-reviewed electronic journal published on the Texas Digital Library’s e-journal platform, has released a special issue on information access to cultural heritage content.
The Journal of Digital Information, a member of the TDL Electronic Press, has been named a Tier A academic journal by the Computing Research and Education Association of Australasia (CORE).