Check out the latest issue of TDL Update, the newsletter of the Texas Digital Library, to discover the latest news and learn how TDL is working with its members to advance scholarly communication.
Check out the latest issue of TDL Update, the newsletter of the Texas Digital Library, to discover the latest news and learn how TDL is working with its members to advance scholarly communication.
Representatives of the Texas Digital Library attended the 13th International Symposium on Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD 2010). The conference took place in Austin, Texas, on June 16-18.
Conference organizers have extended the registration deadline for ETD 2010 until Thursday, June 10. The conference will take place June 16-18 at the AT&T Conference Center in Austin.
Tim Brace of the University of Texas at Austin has received an ETD 2010 Leadership Award from the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations. He received the honor for his work with the UT Austin ETD program and his efforts to migrate the program to the Texas Digital Library’s ETD submission and management system.
The Texas ETD Association annual meeting will take place June 16, 2010, in Austin, Texas. The meeting will be held as a pre-conference workshop in conjunction with NDLTD’s ETD 2010 conference.
The Texas Digital Library is providing Online Conference Management tools for the 13th International Symposium on Electronic Theses and Dissertations.