The TxLOR project has entered a new phase of development this month, as investigators at UT San Antonio release a beta version of the software for testing and feedback.
The TxLOR project has entered a new phase of development this month, as investigators at UT San Antonio release a beta version of the software for testing and feedback.
The TDL invites members to attend the regular demonstrations held by our software team at the end of each development cycle. The next of these demonstrations will take place February 10 at 3:00 PM.
The weekly public sprint review held by TDL on February 3 will demonstrate work done on the Texas Learning Object Repository.
The TDL technical teams held sprint reviews related to two ongoing projects this week: the Texas Learning Object Repository and the development of a Disaster Recovery Plan for TDL services.
The TDL launched launched the Texas Learning Object Repository on production hardware on Friday, September 10.
Texas Digital Library developers held a sprint review on Tuesday, July 20, during which they demonstrated work completed during a one-week sprint devoted to the Texas Learning Object Repository (TxLOR). The demonstration capped the tenth sprint devoted to TxLOR, and the third TxLOR sprint focused on polishing (or “hardening”) the software in preparation for a Fall 2010 release.
The TDL technical team held a sprint review on Friday, July 9, to demonstrate work completed during the ninth sprint for the Texas Learning Object Repository (TxLOR) project.
The TDL software development team completed the second three-week development sprint on the Texas Learning Object Repository project last week, concluding with a demonstration of their work on Friday.
The TDL has completed a key phase of development on the Texas Learning Object Repository (TxLOR), performing a demonstration of its first iteration of the system to UT TeleCampus representatives.