A recording of the Texas Digital Library webinar “Vireo 3: New features and fixes” is now available on the TDL Youtube channel.
This webinar covers new features and fixes available in version 3 of the Vireo Thesis and Dissertation Management System. The open source Vireo code is available on GitHub at https://github.com/TexasDigitalLibrary/Vireo.
New features covered in this webinar include:
- New email functionality
- More intuitive student workflow for submission of corrected manuscripts
- New functionality for generated Excel reports
- A separate, optional embargo period for ProQuest-enabled ETDs
- An improved Custom Actions Checklist, with the optional ability to display checklist items to students
- Integration of an ORCID Research ID field in the student submission interface (optional)
More information about Vireo is available at http://main.tdl.org/etds and at http://www.vireoetd.org.
Questions? Please contact the TDL Helpdesk at support@tdl.org.