The group of representatives from member institutions and partners will address needs related to the accessibility and usability of research data.
The group of representatives from member institutions and partners will address needs related to the accessibility and usability of research data.
The VUG will meet on April 30, 2014, in Austin, Texas.
The Texas Digital Library is set to begin upgrades to all hosted instances of the Vireo Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Management application from version 1.8 to the latest version of the Vireo code.
The TCDL 2014 planning committee invites proposals for participation at the 2014 Texas Conference on Digital Libraries. TCDL 2014 will take place April 28-29 in Austin, TX.
The Texas Digital Library is pleased to announce the addition of two new members to the TDL consortium for the 2013-14 academic year: Trinity University and West Texas A&M University.
TDL Executive Director Debra Hanken Kurtz will speak on digital library collaboration alongside other TDL member librarians and administrators at the 2013 DLF Forum, to be held November 4-6 in Austin, Texas.
Registration for the two-day course Advanced DSpace course, to be held October 16-17, is now open for TDL members only.
The Texas Digital Library is pleased to be one of the co-sponsors of the next Digital Humanities & Libraries THATCamp, to be held in Austin on November 7, 2013, as a DLF Forum post-conference event.
Check out the latest issue of TDL Update to discover the latest news and learn how TDL is working with its members to advance scholarly communication.
TDL executive director Debra Hanken Kurtz has joined the DPN Business Model Working Group, which has been tasked with creating a formal business plan and establishing a sustainable economic model for the Digital Preservation Network (DPN).