Monthly Archives: September 2012

Technology Working Group begins work for DPN

TDL Director of IT Ladd Hanson has joined seven other technology leads to begin architecture planning for the Digital Preservation Network (DPN).

Posted in Preservation Network

SAVE THE DATES: TCDL 2013 to be held May 7-8 in Austin

Since 2007, the Texas Conference on Digital Libraries has covered topics relevant to the creation, promotion, and preservation of scholarly communication at Texas institutions of higher learning

Posted in News, TCDL

TDL Members install new Governing Board member, conduct other business at annual meeting

Library directors of TDL member institutions gathered in Austin on September 10 to discuss TDL business and install the Governing Board for the 2012-2013 academic year.

Posted in News, Organizational announcement

TDL begins testing phase for Vireo 1.8

The Vireo Development Team concluded active development of Vireo 1.8, a new version the Vireo Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Management System, and began deployment and testing of staging instances of the software for TDL members.

Posted in News, Vireo
