Texas Conference on Digital Libraries 2012 – Call for Proposals
The 2012 Texas Conference on Digital Libraries, sponsored by the Texas Digital Library, will be held in Austin, Texas, on May 24th and 25th. At this time, we invite you to share your proposals for participation at TCDL 2012.
Since 2007, the Texas Conference on Digital Libraries has covered topics relevant to the creation, promotion, and preservation of scholarly communication. The goal of TCDL 2012 is to bring together those working on library-related digital projects — including outreach librarians, repository managers, cataloguers, technical staff, and others — in order to build a practical, usable and sustainable model for digital libraries.
The future success of libraries depends not only on the ability to provide customers with access to the materials necessary for their research, but also on their ability to shape library constituents’ perception of the library as the destination for research — as both a point of creation and an archival destination for scholarly materials. As libraries take advantage of Internet technologies that promote access and collaboration, the connections that libraries make with individuals at their own organizations and with other research and archival institutions will be essential to ensuring their continued relevancy.
Recognizing the importance of collaboration, access, and relationship-building to the success of libraries, the primary theme for TCDL 2012 is “Connections: Connecting With Our Users through Digital Services.” In addition to a General Track featuring presentations and panels, the conference will include a Technical Track geared to the interests of software developers and other IT professionals working in digital libraries.
The conference committee encourages proposals that explore the conference theme, including proposals on the following topics:
- Developing relationships with researchers using digital services.
- Showcase of collaborative digital projects between universities, cross-campus entities, or other organizations.
- Development of digital repositories.
- Innovative uses of social media and digital libraries.
- Tools and techniques for building collaborative digital services.
- Strategies for faculty outreach for digital services.
- Technical issues related to repository design, systems architecture, and software development.
- Any other topic you feel is relevant to our major themes.
We are accepting submissions for:
- 45 or 30 minute presentations or panels (including Q&A) – General Presentation Track or Technical Presentation Track
- Posters
- Workshops
- Tutorials and Demos
- Birds of a Feather Sessions
Please submit an abstract of no more than one page detailing the theme and goals of your presentation. Abstracts of accepted presentations will be made available through the conference’s website. Following TCDL 2012, all Presentations will be collected and placed online as well as archived to the TDL repository. TDL will also place any papers associated with presentations on the Conference website.
Please submit an abstract of no more than three paragraphs detailing the goals and the theme of your poster. Abstracts of accepted posters will be made available through the conference’s website. Following TCDL 2012, all digital poster files will be collected and placed online as well as archived to the TDL repository.
Posters should be 3’X4’ in size and should be mounted on foam board. Easels will be available at the conference site, and foam board will be made available upon request. TCDL will be unable to provide power for multimedia displays.
Workshops, Tutorials & Demos, Birds of a Feather Sessions
Please submit an abstract of no more than one page detailing the theme and goals of your workshop, tutorial, demonstration, or birds of a feather session. Abstracts of accepted sessions will be made available through the conference’s website. Following TCDL 2012, all session materials will be collected and placed online as well as archived to the TDL repository. Workshops, tutorials, demos, and BOF sessions will take place on May 25th in the afternoon.
February 15, 2012: Call for Proposals
March 25, 2012: Deadline for Presentations
April 14, 2012: Notification of Acceptance
Proposals can be submitted through the conference website athttp://conferences.tdl.org/TCDL/TCDL2012 by clicking Proposal Submissions in the menu on the right side of the page. You will be required to log into the system to submit a proposal.
1. Log in to the conference website:
- After clicking on the link, you will be taken to a login page. If you already have an account for the website, you can enter your existing account information. If you are new to the site, you must register by creating a new user account.
- Creating a new account requires filling in a few brief fields on a web form. Be sure that the AUTHOR checkbox is selected at the end of the form and click CREATE.
2. Make the submission:
- Once you have completed the form, you will be taken directly to the proposal submission section. Follow the instructions provided in the submission interface to submit your proposal. Be sure to indicate the conference track for which you are submitting a proposal.
Need help? If you have questions about using the online submission system, please contact support@tdl.org. General questions about the conference can be directed to info@tdl.org.