The TDL Metadata Working Group made progress on multiple projects at its spring meeting, held April 1 at Baylor University in Waco. Among several items on its agenda, the team finalized a training workbook for its “Metadata for Digital Objects” training course, which was held for the first time on April 18 as part of the TDL Training Program.
Additionally, the MWG made significant progress on a TDL “data dictionary” that will describe mandatory and recommended metadata elements for digital images and datasets. The data dictionary will be published on the Texas Digital Library website when complete.
The following TDL members attended the meeting: Amanda Harlan, chair of the MWG from Baylor University; Susan Elkins, Angelo State University; Jeanne Hazzard, Texas State University; Mary Manning, Texas A&M University; Kristi Park, Texas Digital Library; Amy Rushing, University of Texas Libraries; Karen Sigler, Texas State University; and Sarah Sutton, Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi.
For more information about the TDL Metadata Working Group, please visit the TDL-MWG blog at or contact Amanda Harlan at