Friday, October 1 is #followalibrary day on Twitter.
Friday, October 1 is #followalibrary day on Twitter.
The Texas ETD Association (TxETDA) annual conference will be held February 10, 2011 at the University of Texas at Arlington.
The TDL software development team held a sprint review on Friday, September 24 to demonstrate work completed during a two-week sprint (i.e, development period) devoted to improvements in Vireo, the TDL’s electronic thesis and dissertation management software.
In order to improve communications with our existing and prospective members, the TDL has created a one-stop reference guide for all matters related to the Texas Digital Library.
Read the latest issue of TDL Update, the newsletter of the Texas Digital Library, to discover the latest news and learn how TDL is working with its members to advance scholarly communication.
A journal article by Holly Mercer explores whether librarians “practice what they preach” when it comes to self-archiving and open access behaviors.
The Texas Digital Library will offer courses, held at Baylor University, covering TDL services and technologies.
The TDL launched launched the Texas Learning Object Repository on production hardware on Friday, September 10.
On Monday, September 13, the TDL software team began a two-week development sprint devoted to improving the Vireo ETD Submission and Management System.