Featured Resource: The TDL Wiki

wiki imageEver forget how to create an email template in Vireo? Need to learn more about managing users in your TDL Electronic Journal? Looking for a place to share information about your institution’s best practices?

The TDL Wiki is a great resource in all of these situations. It contains a growing library of articles providing information on TDL services and projects, including extensive user documentation for Vireo ETD management software and Open Journal Systems e-journal software. It also contains lists of resources, such as digital library conferences and reading resources, as well as information about ongoing TDL development projects.

The TDL Wiki is a living, collaborative document, and any TDL member interested in becoming a contributor is welcome to edit and/or add content. Members or TDL user groups can create sections of the wiki to log progress on their projects. Others might add their best practices in the use of Vireo, blogs, or any other scholarly communication tool in order to help out other members.

If you’re interested in contributing to the wiki, visit the Wiki main page (http://wikis.tdl.org/tdl) for instructions on getting started. Together, TDL members can make the Wiki an invaluable resource for everyone.

Posted in Texas Digital Library, Useful resources
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