Now is the time to reserve your rooms for the 2010 Texas Conference on Digital Libraries. Rooms are available at the state rate at the conference center hotel.
Now is the time to reserve your rooms for the 2010 Texas Conference on Digital Libraries. Rooms are available at the state rate at the conference center hotel.
The Texas ETD Association annual meeting will take place June 16, 2010, in Austin, Texas. The meeting will be held as a pre-conference workshop in conjunction with NDLTD’s ETD 2010 conference.
The latest issue of The Journal of Electronic Publishing contains an article by Gerry Coulter on “Launching (and Sustaining) a Scholarly Journal on the Internet: The International Journal of Baudrillard Studies.”
The Journal of Texas Women Writers and the Cormac McCarthy Journal, both created and edited by faculty at Angelo State University and hosted on the TDL Electronic Press, have new issues available online.